Avoid Airplane Health Hazards

Condensed from You Docs, Mike Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Here are a few ways to avoid some of the health hazards encountered aboard commercial aircraft.

  1. Avoid drinking any liquid on an airplane that doesn't come from a bottle or can. Unfortunately you cannot trust the water supply on board to be free of contaminants. Some airplane water supplies have tested to contain E. coli and other bacteria.
  2. Onboard toilets can spew germs, and inflight usage can create unsanitary conditions. Avoid WC surfaces, and don't wash your hands in the water; use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  3. Blankets and pillows come in plastic wraps and give the impression they're newly dry-cleaned. Not necessarily. It's smarter to bring your own jacket or blanket for warmth. Travel pillows fit easily in carry-ons.
  4. Keep food off tray-table surfaces; they're rarely sanitized and serve as work stations for everything including baby-changing stations.
  5. Don't reach inside seat pockets where bacteria and viruses are feasting on last week's leftovers. If you do reach in to read the safety card or retrieve a magazine, use alcohol based hand sanitizer afterward.