Pre-Op Instructions for Skin Surgery

Diego Marra, MD., Fort Worth
Instructions for patients.

  1. Eat a moderate breakfast or lunch the day of surgery, unless instructed otherwise.
  2. The following medications should preferably be stopped prior to surgery. These medications are blood thinners and can increase the risk of bleeding:
    • Stop 10-14 days priuor to surgery: Aspirin and aspirin containing products such as Ecotrin and Bufferin; Asperin-like medications/Arthritis medications, i.e. Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Naprosyn, ibuprofen, etc.
    • Stop 3-5 days prior to surgery: Coumadin, Warfarin, Plavix, Heparin.
    • Stop 10 days prior to surgery: fish oil, garlic supplements.
    ** However, DO NOT stop any medication prescribed to you or recommended by another doctor without express permission from that doctor. Please obtain prior approval before stopping any prescribed medication from the doctor who prescribed it. ** If you are taking Warfarin or Coumadin, please let your primary doctor or cardiologist know which antibiotics you have been prescribed for surgery, as you may require more frequent monitoring of your coumadin levels.
  3. You should take all other regularily prescribed medications as usual.
  4. Please do not plan on leaving town for at least 1 week after surgery. If you need to leave town within 1 week of your scheduled surgery, your procedure will need to be rescheduled.
  5. We recommend a shower the evening or morning before surgery and freshly laundered clothes to help reduce the chance of infection. Wear a shirt or blouse that buttons up the front.
  6. Do not apply makeup, cream or shaving lotion, etc. to the affected area.
  7. A container for contact lenses or dentrues should be brought.
  8. Do not smoke one week prior to surgery. Smoking and blood levels of nicotine will interfere with would healing. Also, avoid alcohol the day prior to surgery.
  9. On the day of surgery a family member or friend should accompany you. Due to space limitations, however, we ask that you limit those accompanying you into the waiting room to one other person.
  10. Remember to take antibiotics on time if you were instructed to do so.
  11. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 817-921-2838. Please be aware that we have scheduled a specific time for you. Should you need to cancel your appointment, please give us at lease 48 hours notice.